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Omegabundle for Xojo 2024 Products

xDev Magazine has a great resource for getting started with Xojo + Raspberry Pi development.

Eugene Dakin's Raspberry Pi Series in xDev Magazine

You get all of this fantastic series by Eugene Dakin.

xDev Magazine Releases Issue 22.5 (September/August 2024)

Eugene Dakin's series on Raspberry Pi adds in this newest September / October 2024 issue:

Part 9: If you've ever wanted to use your Raspberry Pi to detect tilt and other movements, Eugene is here showing how to connect a gyroscopic sensor and read the results with Xojo.

An xDev Magazine subscription is included with your purchase of Omegabundle for Xojo 2024, and with it, you will get the latest part in the September / October 2024 issue of xDev Magazine. In addition to that, you get the back catalog of issues providing you with the entire series!

See the announcement for the September / October 2024 issue.

More about xDev Magazine Subscription and Omegabundle for Xojo 2024...