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Omegabundle for Xojo 2024 Products

Add a Python interpreter to your Xojo applications

Einhugur Python3Script Plugin for Xojo

Python3Script plugin is a Xojo plugin that adds a Python interpreter to Xojo applications. You can even create classes from Xojo code.

Features Platform Targets
  • Supports Python 3.4.x, 3.5.x, 3.6.x, 3.7.x, 3.8.x, 3.9.x, 3.10.x, 3.11.x or 3.12.x
  • Xojo built application can run the Python module functions and or classes.
  • Python scripts can call Xojo functions that you register to be visible to Python scripts
  • New classes can be registered from Xojo that Python will see
  • Handles many kind of return types and parameters, including multiple return values and key-ed multiple return values
  • Xojo built application can read and write variables from Python modules and classes
  • Its easy to make functions to allow Python script to manipulate your Xojo objects
  • Python console output can be re-directed to your own class which can write it out in any way you want
  • The plugin can give feedback on existence of Python gracefully
  • The plugin can load Python from alternate paths, such as for example to load Anaconda Python
  • macOS X 64 bit
  • macOS X Apple Silicon
  • Windows 32 bit and 64 bit
  • Windows ARM 64 bit
  • Linux 32 bit and 64 bit
  • Linux ARM 32 bit

The Python3Script plugin requires Python to be installed on the target machine. Special builds of Python (such as Anaconda) that are based on the supported numerical version should work (but you should test it).

You can find the documentation for Python3Script Plugin on the Einhugur website.