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Omegabundle for Xojo 2024 Products

Work with MongoDB without having to resort to solutions like ODBC.

MongoDB is an open source cross platform NoSQL database to store JSON-like documents. You can use aggregate functions to query data by applying a filter, sorting rules and grouping either to the entire database or only to a specific collection.

MongoDB Plugin uses OpenSSL as the transport encryption for the MongoDB library on macOS and iOS. The SSLLibrary function tells you which SSL library is in use. You can use MongoSSLOptionsMBS class to specify SSL options in addition to putting them into the connection string. To check about possible reasons for connection problems, we got a new trace logging functionality with Trace property in MongoClientMBS class. And by regularly calling ping method you can check whether the connection is alive and keep it open.

MongoDB Plugin Classes

  • MongoChangeStreamMBS
  • MongoClientMBS
  • MongoCollectionMBS
  • MongoCursorMBS
  • MongoDatabaseMBS
  • MongoExceptionMBS
  • MongoHostListMBS
  • MongoServerDescriptionMBS
  • MongoSessionMBS
  • MongoSSLOptionsMBS
  • MongoURIMBS


Features Platform Targets
  • Connect to MongoDB databases
  • Insert documents into collections
  • Estimate documents in a collection
  • Find, Update or Delete documents

  • macOS X Intel 32 bit and 64 bit
  • macOS X Apple Silicon
  • Windows 32 bit and 64 bit
  • Windows ARM 64 bit
  • Linux 32 bit and 64 bit
  • Linux ARM 32 bit and 64 bit


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