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Valentina Reports delivers a complete solution for MongoDB reporting.

Valentina Reports ADK for MongoDB

Valentina Reports ADK supports MongoDB. Utilize queries in your Report based Projects with the following supported objects:

You can work with these objects using JavaScript or Python.  Internally, JSON documents are stored in MongoDB collections. You can use JSON to write queries directly to MongoDB Server. In this case, we are converting such a JSON field into an expression that can be used within a Valentina Report.

Convert a JSON Object to work in a Report


Double-clicking the expression then, lets you edit / modify the query. This example uses JavaScript:


Parsing JSON to display in a Report


 Learn More About Valentina Reports and MongoDB

You can find two examples of using Valentina Reports and MongoDB on the Valentina Wiki. These include:


Scale Up to Valentina Reports Server

If you need to take your reporting solution further to a local network or the cloud, Valentina Server incorporates  a complete, enterprise class Reports Server that works with MongoDB as a data-source.