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Omegabundle for Xojo 2024 Products

MBS Complete has generous support for the Raspberry Pi platform.

MBS Plugins on Raspberry PI

MBS has supported compiling for Xojo on the Raspberry Pi platform since 2020. Here are a few of the classes supported.



 In the documentation, you can click on a list of classes and than click on the Linux platform, which hides all the classes that won't work on Linux. The Linux plugin includes the RaspberryPiCameraMBS class to get pictures on a Raspberry Pi camera, the avahi classes for finding devices on the local network, the GTK window classes, the WebKit HTMLViewer extensions and help for sudo

See also SQLiteFunctionMBS class in MBS Xojo SQL Plugin to define your own functions for SQLite. Calls your Xojo code from the SQL statement to perform a calculation.

* Products not included in Omegabundle for Xojo 2024.