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Omegabundle for Xojo 2020 Products

The professional SQL database administration and reports generation software.

 Valentina Studio Pro brings together the best database administration and design tool along with a powerful, visual Report Designer for use with Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo and Valentina Server.

Report Designer & Report Viewer

  • Visual design layout tools turn queries into reports; live preview
  • Toolbox of controls, html, barcodes, charts, graphs and more
  • Sub-reports, regions, groups
  • Easy add macros, expressions
  • Print to all standard paper formats, set gutter, margin, max records per page


  • Deploy Reports (in projects) Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo
  • Deploy Reports (in projects) on Valentina Server
  • Deploy Reports (in projects) to users of free Valentina Studio

Visual Form Editor & Form Deployment

  • Flexible layout editor for designing forms for ease of use
  • Large palette of database controls (combo box, spin box, check box, text, image, table view, sub forms, etc) and visual controls (buttons, boxes, lists, image, lines, etc)
  • Sub-reports, regions, groups
  • Easy add macros, expressions
  • Print to all standard paper formats, set gutter, margin, max records per page


  • Deploy Forms (in projects) to users of free Valentina Studio
  • Deploy Forms (in projects) on Valentina Server

Schema Editing & Diagramming

  • Manage multiple databases in tabs and dockable views
  • Create/Drop/Alter/Browse Tables, Fields, Indexes, Triggers, Constraints, Links, Views, Stored Procedures, Properties, Sequences, Types, ...
  • Edit properties of multiple objects at the same time
  • Drill down to tables and fields; incredible fast searching
  • Reverse engineering and create diagrams for existing databases. Add new objects to diagrams.

Query Builder

  • Build SQL queries with just a few clicks and no code writing
  • Copy your SQL queries to use in any application

SQL Editing

  • Write SQL queries with auto-completion, color syntax
  • Define, manage, save favorite queries; access recent queries
  • Function browser dictionary of each function
  • Consoles for errors, warnings, performance
  • Search, Export result records into CSV, JSON, Excel

Forward Engineering

  • Visual Diagram Editor generates new databases
  • Toolbox of controls, labels, comments, procedures, tables, views
  • Generate scripts, copy scripts into your app code
  • Easy visual navigation of very large diagrams

Server Administration

  • Add/drop users, groups, manage privileges
  • Watch live logs, run diagnostics
  • Remotely Register/unregister databases
  • Create/Alter Schedule events
  • Register / Unregister Valentina Projects


  • See all the details of differences in Tables, Links and more
  • Generate scripts to execute to modify databases

Data Transfer

  • Copy records between two different databases
  • Specify mapping of source/target Tables and Fields
  • Log details and observe the transfer and result


  • Diagnose, compress, clone, defragment, reindex and dump data




All Major Databases Supported by Valentina Studio

You can work with all major databases, including:

  • MS SQL Server & Microsoft Azure SQL DB
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite (including Valentina SQLite Server!)
  • MariaDB
  • Valentina DB

What's New in Valentina Studio Pro 10

Valentina Studio 9 now can check through a proxy connection to see if the newest version is available. Not listed here are hundreds of fixes and improvements of existing features and compatibility with supported databases. Several editors of Valentina Studio Pro 9 now include new toolbars with advanced editing tools.

Added in Valentina Studio during 2020

  • New in 10.4.3! Data Editor: Export a visible set of rows from Data Editor to CVS, Excel, HTML, JSON formats or copy to clipboard
  • New in 10.4.2! Report Editor: Select and modify alpha, opacity for Text and Borders
  • New in 10.4! SQL Editor: Snippets support Scope Maps
  • New in 10.4! Project Window: Includes Report Preview
  • New in 10.4! Valentina Studio now supports macOS Dark Mode
  • New in 10.3! Reports: Picture Control supports SVG images, orientation
  • New in 10.3! Reports: New HTML Engine with better rendering to selectable text
  • New in 10.3! Reports: Support for CSS in internally stored and external files for HTML
  • New in 10.2! SQL Dump: New UI for SQL Dump, SQL Dump Creation, starting, stopping, loading and more
  • New in 10.2! SQL Editor: UI update to SQL Editor and Snippets, copying, pasting, editing and executing snippets
  • New in 10.1.3! Reports: Allow getting info about current control instance - position and value
  • New in 10.1.3! Reports: Allow to get the current value of a control via 'control.instance.value' property
  • New in 10.1.3! Reports: Allow accessing the current control (from print_if or expression) via 'this'
  • New in 10.1.3! Reports: Allow hiding an instance of control from a script
  • New in 10.1.3! Reports: Label now can use the value from an instance
  • New in 10.1.3! Reports: Allow using summary instance value in print_if and expressions
  • New in 10.1.1! Form Editor | JavaScript: Added QSysInfo class which provides information about operating system Valentina Studio is running in. It is useful if script relies on system-specific features, for example, to run different scripts on different platforms – PowerShell script on Windows, AppleScript on macOS.
  • New in 10.1.1! Form Editor | JavaScript: Added signals of QProcess class, this allows the user to control running application asynchronously.
  • New in 10.1.1! Form Editor | JavaScript: Added QCoreAppliction.processEvents() static method which can be used during long-running loops (for example, to show the progress, process button clicks)
  • New in 10.1! Schema Editor: You can filter also the first column of databases
  • New in 10.1! Schema Editor: cmd+F keyboard shortcut moves focus to the SEARCH-field on the top right
  • New in 10.1! Schema Editor: Improved “Generate SQL : Create” tab, adding flags [x] - RAM, [x] - Temporary for Table objects into dialog.
  • New in 10.1! Forms: Run external applications, can be used to execute Bash scripts, AppleScript commands, JavaScript, etc.
  • New in 10.1! Schema Editor: Duplicate command in the contextual menu of a Table
  • New in 10! Synchronization of server bookmarks and SQL snippets via Cloud Storage (Dropbox, GoogleDrive)
  • New in 10! SQL Editor: SQL Snippets now can be linked to some database(s)

 Added in Valentina Studio during 2019

  • New in 9.8! Server Admin: Ability to show the list of existing backups from a Valentina Server.
  • New in 9.8! Server Admin: Ability to drop a backup from the list of backups
  • New in 9.8! Server Admin: Ability to restore a backup of a database or project with the same or new name
  • New in 9.7.3! SQL Editor: Working with MySQL, can filter-out command “DELIMITER delim”.
  • New in 9.7.3! PostgreSQL: Added function category property (FUNCTION or PROCEDURE), fixed Generate SQL for procedures, supported creating procedures in Create Function Dialog
  • New in 9.7.3! PostgreSQL: Show readable function arguments in DROP confirmation dialog
  • New in 9.7! Project Window: Double-click to edit JavaScripts
  • New in 9.7! Licenses Tab: Displays Server Licenses, Expiration Date
  • New in 9.7! Schema Editor: Upload ValentinaDB, Valentina Projects , SQLite Files, License Files to a Valentina Server
  • New in 9.7! Report Editor: property 'column_layout' with options: { “horizontal”, “vertical” } added for COLUMNS and LABELS reports
  • New in 9.6.2! Support of PostgreSQL 12
  • New in 9.6.2! Report Editor: Allow to copy/paste parameters, move/delete some parameters at once
  • New in 9.6! Diagramming: Links within diagrams now have tooltips now with full info about the link
  • New in 9.6! Report Editor: JavaScript now can be used in all places and for all controls with Valentina Reports
  • New in 9.6! Report Editor: Objects within Valentina Reports can now be rotated, making it easy to create complex orientation of objects
  • New in 9.5! Project Window: You can now copy projects between windows
  • New in 9.5! Support for SQLite 3.2.9
  • New in 9.5! Project Window: New Cloud Example Projects for Valentina DB, Valentina Reports, Valentina SQLite
  • New in 9.3! Forms can be executed from a command line
  • New in 9.3! SQL Editor Auto-completion displays list of fields and list of db bindings
  • New in 9.2! EDIT RESULT records of a VIEW query for PostgreSQL, MySQL, ValentinaDB and SQLite
  • New in 9.2! Form Editor EDIT records of a VIEW query for PostgreSQL, MySQL, ValentinaDB and SQLite
  • New in 9.1.5! SQL Editor uses Cmd/Ctrl + ` to toggle recents/editor
  • New in 9.1.5! SQL Editor uses Cmd/Ctrl + 1/2/3/4 to switch tabs in the left panel of SQL Editor
  • New in 9.1.5! SQL Editor “Duplicate Line” command renamed to “Duplicate Line(s)” - select few lines and CMD+D will duplicate them
  • New in 9.1.3! MariaDB upgraded to v3.1
  • New in 9.1.1! Form Editor allows sorting records, added methods: addSort(), removeSort(), applySorts(), clearSorts()
  • New in 9.1.1! Form Editor adds templates of JS code to sort records
  • New in 9.1.1! Form Editor allows setup sorting via Property Inspector
  • New in 9.1! Forms code templates for import of the forms and scripts
  • New in 9.1! Forms Implement autocompletion for imported forms and scripts (partially).
  • New in 9.1! Forms can call 'needUpdate' slots on click buttons, edit text etc., to update dialogs not linked to a datasource.
  • New in 9.1! Forms add property “Mode” for the LineEdit-Field control.
  • New in 9.1! Forms add 'application.sessionStorage' object to store and pass data during single session
  • New in 9.0.7! Form Editor can use aliases in ComboBox and ListView and use the script as source data
  • New in 9.0.7! Form Editor can fill lists from a query
  • New in 9.0.7! Form Editor adds macro $P!(param) for parameter that shouldn't be quoted as literal (like SELECT * FROM $P!(table_name)) for Reports
  • New in 9! Project Window now has ICON VIEW for project items in addition to LIST VIEW
  • New in 9! Project Window displays previews of reports
  • New in 9! SQL Editor Static Analyzer errors indicator and console panel where you can see all errors found by the analyzer
  • New in 9! SQL Editor has menu Default Schemas for PostgreSQL and MSSQL to see which schema(s) currently the default, and allows change
  • New in 9! Schema Editor has the ability to create events for Valentina Studio Projects


Valentina Studio Pro is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Your order of Omegabundle for Xojo 2019 includes your choice of one operating system version.

Data Modeling

Model databases visually with the premier Database Schema Editor reverse and forward engineering tool. Generate diagrams automatically from existing databases. Add new elements visually with PRO.

Data Modeling with Database Diagram Editor

Visual Report Builder

Transforms queries into visually stunning enterprise reports with full suite of design elements: charts, graphs, barcodes, grids, images, html objects, labels, text boxes and more. Reports are saved into Valentina Projects.

Visual Database Report Builder

Query Builder

Build SQL queries visually with Query Builder. Work directly with tables and links that are a part of the query you want to create. Copy-Paste your generated queries with PRO.

Database Visual Query Builder

Data Transfer

Copy records between two different databases. This feature is different from simply importing data. Use Data Transfer to choose one database as a Source. Then choose another database to be the target database. You can then specify mapping of source/target tables and fields and load records from db1 to db2.

Data Transfer from Database A to Database B


Compare schemas of two databases and produce SQL scripts that can transform the first schema into the second. Apply changes directly to the first database.

Visual SQL DIFF for your databases

System Requirements

These are the Valentina Studio System Requirements for Valentina Studio 6 or later.


  • Win Vista SP2+;
    Win 7 SP1+; Windows 8; Windows 10
  • HD 20 MB+; RAM 50 MB
    (dependent on database size)


  • Ubuntu 10.0.4 +, Centos 5.0+, Debian oldstable+,
    Fedora 10+, openSuse 11+ RHEL 5+
  • HD 20 MB+; RAM 50 MB
    (dependent on database size)

Mac OS X

  • MacOS 10.7+ Intel
  • HD 20 MB+; RAM 50 MB
    (dependent on database size)