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Omegabundle for Xojo 2023 Products

Use two different built in database servers, including the advanced, ultra fast ValentinaDB Server and the industry standards compatible Valentina SQLite Server.

Valentina Server incorporates two built in database servers.

ValentinaDB Server at a Glance

  • Inherits the administrative features of Valentina Server
  • Inherits all the advancements of ValentinaDB (see "What Makes ValentinaDB Special")
  • High level Valentina DB API, which allows you to accomplish much more and write far less, but more readable code
  • Can be sourced from any free native Valentina CLIENT, including C#, Xojo, Objective-C, iOS (including Cocoa & Xojo implementations)
  • If there isn't a native Valentina CLIENT, use industry standard REST

Valentina SQLite Server at a Glance

  • Inherits the administrative and functional features of Valentina Server, such as Notifications, SSL, ACL, SNMP
  • Supports Client-side and Server-side Cursors
  • Easily upscale your local SQLite database project to a client-server or server-only solution
  • Manage with Valentina Studio Pro
  • Supports standard SQLite 3+ databases
  • Can be sourced from any free native Valentina CLIENT, including C#, Xojo, Objective-C, iOS (including Cocoa & Xojo implementations)
  • If there isn't a native Valentina CLIENT, use industry standard REST


What Makes ValentinaDB Special

  • Valentina Abstraction Links
  • Advanced Cache System
  • Calculation Functions
  • Compress and Defragment
  • Data Model Blending
  • Database Diagnostics
  • Disk Based & In Memory Databases
  • Built in Database Encryption
  • Easy Import and Export
  • Indexed Text in BLOBs
  • Dynamic, Powerful Indexing
  • Journaling
  • Recursive Queries
  • Standards with Options: SQL, NoSQL, Key-Value
  • Database Text Engine