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Omegabundle for Xojo 2023 Products

GraffitiW3W leverages the What3Words API to convert map coordinates to and from three words in a variety of languages.

New in GraffitiSuite Desktop Edition R50, GraffitiW3W provides access to the What3Words API for converting map coordinates to and from easy-to-understand groups of three-word sets, such as “clip.apples.leap”.

Features Platform Targets
  • Queries the W3W API for a list of supported languages
  • Location specification, as three words or latitude & longitude coordinates.
  • Suggestions and AutoSuggestions
  • macOS Intel & Silicon
  • Windows Intel & ARM64
  • Linux Intel & ARM64
  • Raspberry PI (ARM64)

All GraffitiSuite Desktop Edition controls should work without trouble on any desktop platform supported by Xojo.

What3Words API for Xojo