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Omegabundle for Xojo 2019 Products

Write and Parse Markdown into HTML + CSS on the fly! 

un-encrypted 100% Xojo code class with access to the source code, gives Xojo developers the ability to write and parse Markdown to HTML + CSS instantly! Use the markdown text as the source for the class instance and get on the fly the HTML with the CSS styles provided as result, so you get the visually enriched HTML ready to use as is or for additional purposes in your project thanks to the flexibility provided by HTML!


  • Six levels of headers
  • Links
  • Images
  • Tables
  • Lists
  • Code inline and Blocks of code
  • Bold, Italic, Striketrough text styles
  • Quotes
  • Separator

Markdown parser for Xojo is compatible with 32 and 64 bits deployments for Console, Desktop, Web,  RaspberryPi, MacOS, Windows and Linux!